Wednesday, July 21, 2010


There is always something.

Yesterday it was a logger failure for the second day in a row.. The sort of thing that sends shivers up the spine of a competition pilot. How could it be? We couldn't reproduce the problem on the ground; Taking the EW logger for a drive around the trailer park produced a perfectly good track on both days.

After much scratching of heads Mark and I had a really close look at all the glider's electrical connections and decided that the battery connection terminals were a little loose in their housings; not enough to turn the instruments off but combined with one of the bumpiest runways for takeoff I have ever used, the voltage through the system may have been a bit spiky at times. Some data loggers hate that.

Today we isolated the EW from the rest of the glider's electrical system, running it on its internal battery. Lo and behold, a perfectly good trace at the end.

Today we had a bit of fun playing with some thunderstorms near the Romanian border. Thoroughly good entertainment.



  1. Gday, Mr.Spot is giving me a good overview of your intrepid adventure.All the best,enjoy Roly.

  2. Hi Sexy!
    Glad to hear that the logger problem has been resolved prior to the comp beginning. Have fun. Fly safe. Wish we were there to support and cheer you on!
    Love always, Danielle, Lauren and bubby Scarlett xxx
