Sunday, August 1, 2010

Education & Comic Corner

Things of interest when you look around.

A Tug with GRUNT!!

I remember my Father Inlaw telling me about greasing stuff with "Goose Fat"
Well Ross, this one is for you.
Hungarian Goose Fat Soup!

Shopping at Tescos.
Pick a checkout... Any checkout!!!!

I always hate it when Graham stabs
the butter!!

The Salami Plane - Antinov 2

Something you would expect to see in a Mad Max movie.

Our Launch Recorderess!!!



  1. Hi Mark,
    He he..... love your blog! Had such a giggle when we saw the butter!
    Enjoy the rest of your time in Hungary :)

  2. ps - who on earth would order Hungarian Goose Fat Soup?? Looks quite unpleasant.......

  3. Hey Mark!,
    It´s Mariano!. I´m glad to know you are in a world comp again and it´s always good to read your sense of humour. Are you keeping your g-mail e-mail address?. I don´t know Graham but tell him that despite that, someone from Argentina thinks he has a lot of BALLS (tired of politically correct writing right now) to take such a decision and that is very much respected.
    All the best for you and the team.

  4. Hi Mariano,
    Yes my g-mail address is still active. I'm using it while I'm over here.
    Seems we only talk when I'm overseas. Aren't we a pair of naughty little boys!!

    But the way how did you find our blogg site?

    Tals to you again soon mate.

  5. Hi Mark, I have enjoyed your pictures, but who on earth would would have table manners to leave a knife in such a position? at least I leave my fork crossed. best wishes Roly & Jeanette.
