Yes, finally. They say getting there is half the fun... not sure if that is entirely true. We got off to a pretty rugged start when Qantas' brand new A380 broke down in Melbourne. I dunno, maybe the espresso machine in 1st class wouldn't work or something, but whatever the cause it took 5 hours to fix, which meant we missed our connection to Frankfurt from Singapore. So they threw us back on the same A380 and sent us to London where we had to wait around for half the day and finally on to Frankfurt.
Now why Frankfurt you may ask, when we are meant to be going to Hungary. Well one of the things you need (which is almost impossible to hire) is a car with tow bar, so we are obliged to beg and borrow from friends. In our case Uli Schwenk was kind enough to lend us his car, so having arrived at Frankfurt we caught the train to his place, some 50km SE of Stuttgart.

Now here is where things started to improve. Uli and his family are truly some of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. They picked us up from the station; we had a BBQ and stayed the night with them. The following day we had a look around the Jaxida factory (Uli now owns this business) and went for an aerial tour of the picture post card setting in the local gliding club's tow plane/ultralight. (an Ikarus C42)
Finally it was time to tear ourselves away and head towards our destination, so into the Merc and off we went. Overnight in a small B and B near Munich, then we spent most of today getting to Szeged. David was already entrenched in his apartment when we arrived and

we heard that TeamCaptain was in the Novatel, keen to go out for a feed.
So a pleasant evening was had.
Apparently Tom and Lars have just arrived but we will catch up with them tomorrow. Now it is time to crash out.
More tomorrow.